Friday, April 07, 2006
The multi-trunk redbud

Yesterday I picked up a very nice multi-trunk redbud tree to place on the northern side of the new pathway to the woods. There is an out-of-the-way nursury downtown (Knoxville, TN) that has very good prices. This will be an outstanding spring showpiece next year. We will have to wait for the pictures.
Today I priced the other small trees and shrubs that I am looking for. Found the Star magnolia at Home Depot for $80. :-(. The coral bark maple is available at Home Depot, Saplings, and at Meadow View Greenhouses and Garden Center in Lenoir City. These run from $130 to $150. Ouch again. Meadow View also had a couple of Witch Hazel plants. I have not seen any Sweet olive trees yet. Still looking.
There is an eight foot section of cedar fence at the end of the path to the woods. I got hinges and a latch set to put on the fence to make it look like a gate. It won't open, but it should look nice.
Thunderstorms and heavy rain tonight. This morning I fertilized the huge back lawn with 23-3-2 lawn fertilizer. Now I will have to mow.
Next door neighbor planted a new dogwood and had a lot of heavy clay soil left over. I took it and placed in in a large low spot in the lawn. I will add peat moss and then till it into the area. I keep adding odds and ends of grass sod and soil there, so maybe I will fertilize it and plant the squash and pumpkins there. I have some tan field pumpkins sprouting that are heirloom seeds. Maybe put in watermelons, too, like last year.